October 25, 2011

U P D A T E . . .

            Things have been busy, busy at Folly!!  In addition to lots of decorating there has been some nifty energy news.  Today’s news is about our foyer light, but other updates will follow.

            Folly has an entry foyer that is 22+feet tall – sounds like a mighty big space and it is, but it grew so large for practical, not aesthetic, reasons.  Florida houses benefit from high ceilings that allow the hot air to rise above the people, so Folly’s ceilings are well over 9 ft.  In addition, all the a/c ductwork is placed in insulated space between the floors, resulting in the second story addition being a little higher than usual.  Actually, the staircase has nineteen steps! (It’s an added benefit - who needs a Stairmaster?!)

Filling such a space usually requires a large chandelier that draws a lot of power.  Even 25-watt bulbs would draw 400 watts in a sixteen light chandelier.  Using 40-watt bulbs would draw 640 watts. 

But… our goal was to make Folly enormously, stupendously energy efficient!  Nowhere in the house will you find an incandescent bulb. (I am not against incandescent bulbs in colder climates, but since they generate heat they add to the a/c burden here). Most of the lights are LED with a few fluorescent bulbs in some places. 

Folly’s chandelier measures 7 feet tall by 3 ½ feet wide.  

 Its sixteen lights are fitted with LED bulbs which, in total, use just 60 watts.  Yes, those few watts are bright enough to see – the effect is the same as any ordinary foyer chandelier.  

 It’s another of Folly’s secrets – a beautiful, functional fixture that sips energy instead of gobbling it!!!